Navy crepe Marshmallow top…

Made this to wear to lunch at the Shard in London with a couple of girlfriends. Thought it was smart and stylish, yet not as smart or stylish as the waitresses/hostesses at The Shard. Wish I’d taken pics, as I felt underdressed!

Anyhoo, I’m still very happy and pleased with this make, and have worn it many times since!

February 2014: Birthday top.

So I have a lunch date with some girl friends the day after my birthday and I want a new top. And it gives me great pleasure to be able to make it myself. I had fun with this gorgeous Melody Miller for Kokka fabric. I got the fabric from the lovely Fabric-yard. At £19 a metre it isn’t cheap, but the fabric is a lovely cotton/linen mix.

It took me ages to decide where exactly I wanted the pattern to fall. Pattern placement can really alter how a finished item looks and can make or break it. I’m really happy with how this turned out. I surprise myself every time I make something, as I learn something new  each time, and feel I improve on my finishing and therefore the overall quality of the item of clothing or bag.

The fabric

The fabric

After deciding where I want the pattern design to appear on the top, I mark out my pieces. And due to the simple nature of my tops there are only 2 pieces. Nice and easy. I then mark out the neckline, the shoulders, hem and seam allowance. Now I’ve been pretty generous with the seam allowance on this top, I’ve used a 4cm SA. It makes it nice and easy to fold the seams over on themselves to give a much better finish.

Neckline after joining the two pieces together.

Neckline after joining the two pieces together. Inside out.

Not sure how clear this is, but I've marked out the 2cm SA

Not sure how clear this is, but I’ve marked out the 4cm SA & armholes. The pieces of fabric are pinned together so i mark everything out the same on both sides.

same the other side.

same the other side.

markings for the hem.

markings for the hem.


Finished. Been worn so its a little wrinkled!

Pattern placement worked pretty well. Not 100% perfect but matches up quite well at the seams.

Pattern placement worked pretty well. Not 100% perfect but matches up quite well at the seams.

I love this top and am so happy with it. This is the sort of thing i like and find so difficult to find in the shops, so to be able to make something like this for myself gives me a really happy feeling.







August 2013: Off to Ipswich…..

Hubby and I are off for a little weekend get-a-way. To Ipswich! Yep thats right Ipswich. I’m not overly excited about Ipswich as such but I am looking forward to getting away for a few days. The reason for going to Ipswich is a Christmas present from a very dear friend. It was an activity gift for two, and you get to choose which activity you want to do. We chose a trip on a Thames sailing barge and it sailed from Ipswich harbour, so thats where we’re going. We booked for 3 nights at the Holiday Inn, I would’ve been happy with 2 as I wasn’t particularly excited about Ipswich. However, we had a brilliant time! Ipswich marina/waterfront is lovely and we do love looking at boats. The weather was amazing, it was so hot. The Friday was hot and humid and the sky was very very ominous looking, which in itself was fabulous. I love dramatic weather. The sky did decide to release its entire contents on us, but luckily we were on the boat by now so could take shelter. We had a lovely 2 hour cruise down the river Orwell (it did dry up for the most part, and the sun came out). we had a ploughman’s lunch, with an apple and blackcurrant crumble for pudding, all of which was delicious. There was a bar on board and we enjoyed a couple of pints of beer too. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough wind to get the majestic sails out so it was motor all the way, but it was still enjoyable.

Look at that sky!!

Look at that sky!!

Just before it thundered and all the rain fell out of the sky

Just before it thundered and all the rain fell out of the sky

View of the waterfront from the barge.

View of the waterfront from the barge.


So calm, so peaceful

So calm, so peaceful

A pretty boat.

A pretty boat.




The next day was a little breezier but still warm in the sun. And we decided to head out in the car and explore Suffolk a bit. We started off in some village somewhere, sadly I can’t remember the name, we had breakfast, and I had the best smoked salmon and scrambled eggs I’ve ever had in my life! Seriously! BEST EVER! And the chef looked like a young Ethan Hawke. We then pootled off and ended up in Aldeburgh. A gorgeous town nestled right on the coast, with houses literally a stones throw from the beach. We ambled along the seafront for a couple of hours, then got back in the car, and we found ourselves in Southwold. Another lovely place that I didn’t expect to enjoy. We walked through the town and along the coastal path, then went down to the beach and walked along and admired all the beach huts, so pretty (I forgot to take pics). Southwold pier is a delight, and so much classier than some other piers I’ve been on. I am kicking myself for not taking pictures of that either. After our stroll round Southwold we then drove back to Ipswich where we had dinner and enjoyed the Harbour view once again.


On its own, middle of a car park!

On its own, middle of a car park!

Fishing boat, Aldeburgh beach.

Fishing boat, Aldeburgh beach.


Sunday was our last day and we drove down the coast to Harwich, I believe it was Harwich anyway. We could see Felixstowe across the water. We had another walk and then some lunch in a very nice pub, with some fabulous views. Then it was time to head home. I was pleasantly surprised by Ipswich and the surrounding areas of Suffolk, and had a really really good time. We visited some lovely places and the scenery was quite breathtaking in places. I’d quite happily go back.

To keep this post inline with the sewing blog that it is, I will post a picture of me wearing the top and bag  I made. I felt quite proud to be wearing two things I made myself . The top was perfect for the hot, humid weather as it was so light and comfortable to wear. I shall definitely be making more for this summer. The bag was also pretty perfect for my needs, big enough for me to put my rain coat in when not needed and plenty of room for all the other stuff I tend to carry. So all in all I was a happy bunny.


me with bag before we set off.

me with bag before we set off.

A very proud me!

A very proud me!