When short of fabric but you want to make something, make a simple rectangle top. I used the fabric that was left over from the maxi navy and white spot dress, but used the wrong side of the fabric as the right side. I really liked the way it looks, looks a bit like a faded denim.

No pattern required, just over two hours start to finish. And that includes ironing before cutting out.
Job done!
Going on holiday soon and I wanted another dress. So happy that I can make what I want and not have to go trawling the shops for something.
Think I’ve finally discovered the perfect fabric for this dress. Its a viscose of some sort I believe, anyway its a lovely soft fabric which drapes beautifully.
This is another Trapeze/Marshmallow hack. Love it.

Nice and long.

Love it from side angle too. Can’t wait to wear it on holiday.