You might remember I made a black linen top a while back which wasn’t a great success. Well I had some linen left over and thought I might have a go at making a dress for myself. Nothing complicated you understand, I think we’ve all come to realise I don’t do complicated! So once again using the two rectangle pieces of fabric sewn together formula, I set about my task. Now whilst the linen itself is a beautiful fabric its quite hard work to work with. Its lovely to sew, but the devil is in the detail and when ironing linen, I was advised to use a damp cloth to prevent the fabric from going shiny. I honestly couldn’t be bothered to use a damp cloth as I’d have to keep re-dampening it. So I just use an old cotton tea towel between the linen and the iron, this seems to work pretty well. It does however make the ironing of seams and hems just that little bit more complicated. The ironing takes forever, and as my ironing board is down stairs and my sewing room is upstairs I’m forever running up and down the stairs! Seeing as my exercise regime has gone out the window since starting to sew, I am at least getting some form of exercise.
I’m quite happy with the finished product. My husband though keeps telling me I need to make something with more shape, but I like it. I like shapeless.
Sorry for the blurry pic and dusty mirror.