February 16th, 2019
I’m a bit late to the Linden party, but better late than never. This is a pattern by “Grainline Studio” and its a sweatshirt and its been about for years!
I bought this pattern over a year ago. It can take me a while to get round to making a new pattern. I’m always put off by the effort of trying to work out what size I am. I still don’t really know how to do it properly and it usually ends up as guess work.
Fairly simple to put together, my only headache came when I tried to attach the neckband the first time. Had a couple of issues. One being that the instructions weren’t very clear and I wasn’t too sure how exactly I was supposed to go about it, however I worked it out. Secondly was that I was originally going to use the same fabric as the main body of the sweatshirt for the all the bands. And it turned out that the sweatshirt fabric didn’t have enough stretch. At first I thought I must be doing something wrong, so I googled for some ideas, and found a blog where someone else had done the same (can’t remember the blog name now), confirming for me that the sweatshirt fabric didn’t indeed have enough stretch. And she ended up using ribbing. So I had to go get some ribbing. I found some gorgeous stuff in Merchant and Mills, which has coordinated beautifully with the sweatshirt fabric.
I really didn’t like it when I finished it and tried it on. Its quite different from my usual makes. Its more fitting and quite snug around the hips. And at first I was thinking it was too small (it isn’t), and I didn’t like the sleeves. I made the short sleeved version, which have no cuffs. And when I tried it on wished I’d made the long sleeved version. Although they were hemmed, the sleeves looked unfinished to me.
So I took it off and decided that was that, and reconciled myself to a failure!
After thinking about it for a while, I tried it on again. Really wasn’t happy about it being a failure as the fabric was quite expensive and I took a special trip to Rye to go to Merchant and Mills and get the ribbing. Didn’t want it all to be for nothing (had toyed with giving it to a friend). However, when I tried it on again, I had a moment of inspiration, and decided to add ribbing to the sleeves. Luckily I had enough left from the neckband.
And thats what I did, and that small alteration made all the difference.

I made it with a split hem.

Just look at that lovely ribbing. I love the thin gold stripe running just above the grey stripe.

Its not perfect, nothing I make ever is, but I’m still pretty damn happy with it! Hubby says it looks professional :0)

Another reason I didn’t like it at first was the length of the body, I usually like longer lengths on me, but I’m embracing something different. And I’ve come around to it.

I’m also quite satisfied with the short sleeves, as I don’t often wear long sleeves, if I do I end up pushing them up anyway.
This is one of the first things I’ve made that I’ve worn on the same day I finished it. And blogged it!
February 5th, 2019
I made this in the second week of January, just taken a while to get round to posting it.
Had a trip to Brighton end of November last year and happened to stumble on a great fabric store, you’ve probably heard of it, I had heard of it, just didn’t know where it was exactly and had forgotten about it whilst I was there. If that makes sense? So my friend and I were wandering down the lanes and I saw this fabric shop, so had to go in.
It was filled with some amazing and beautiful fabrics and I had to restrain myself. I bought 2.5 metres of the most gorgeous cotton jersey. Oh and the fabric shops name “Ditto” fabrics. Do take a look if you’re ever in that area.
I made another fail safe, Marshmallow tunic top.

Its a gorgeous fabric, both to work with and to wear. I still have about a metre and a half left. Haven’t made up my mind what to make with yet. Actually I’m having trouble deciding what to make full stop, with any of my fabrics at the moment. I am feeling a bit crippled by indecision! I’m hoping that the new series of “the Great British Sewing Bee” will help inspire me again.
December 23rd, 2018
Took a visit to the newly refurbished Merchant and Mills last month, and couldn’t resist buying some more of their delicious dry oilskin. Worst thing about the new shop is that everything is better displayed and so you can see all the fabrics and other goodies so much easier. Which means its so much more difficult to resist! Came out of there having spent a small fortune, oops!
Happily though I made myself a lovely new bag, from said dry oilskin. I bought a metre each of three different colours, so I can mix and match. And as the fabric is 150cm wide I can get quite a few bags out of those. I love bags and love being able to make myself new ones. Or sometimes, I’ll make for friends.
I used a template I’ve used before for a sort of shopping/tote bag, but this time I added a longer strap too for cross body carrying. I like the versatility of having carry options.

As you can see I added some of the webbing to the bag for a little bit of decoration. Very pleased with how that turned out. I’ve the lined this bag in a contrasting green. Gives the bag a bit more sturdiness. The outside is a gorgeous colour, M&M call it Midnight, which suggests to me shades of blue, but I see a hint of green too!

Its a fab bag, even if I do say so myself. Can fit quite a lot of stuff in it, and its water resistant, which is very useful this time of year. Sorry there aren’t more pictures of the bag itself and the details, but this time of year there is such a small time frame when the light is right for taking pictures and I usually miss it! If I remember I’ll do some more pictures in the New Year, with more of the detail, but don’t hold your breath…
I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :0) xxxx

November 21st, 2018
Got this gorgeous sweatshirt fabric from Minerva crafts, sat on it for a while as couldn’t decide what to make. Eventually ended up making another Trapeze tunic length top. I bought 3 metres of it, so still have enough to make something else.
Just a few pics, we all know what these tops look like by now!

The stars are glittery!

My sewing really has slowed down of late. I’ve got some beautiful fabrics in my stash, just crying out to be made up, but I just can’t seem to motivate myself at the moment. Think I might need to clear out my wardrobe, make room for new stuff…
September 30th, 2018
One for my Mum for Christmas, yes I said it, Christmas! And one for me. My Mum really liked the last one I made for her and asked for another one for Christmas. So I found the fabric I wanted, bought it, and made it.

I’ve been meaning to make myself another for the last few months, so making one for my Mum spurred me on to make mine.

Very happy with it.
Now I’m very aware that I’m not posting much lately, but I’m also not making as much either. Partly down to my hormones, and not being in the mood for sewing. And partly down to trying to wear what I already have. My wardrobe is pretty full of lovely things I’ve made, so I’m trying to get the wear out of them. So maybe I’m not feeling a gap in my wardrobe right now. so I don’t feel the urge to make stuff.
anyway it was nice to make the aprons, both finished in a day each. So a nice easy and fun make.
Don’t hold your breath for the next make…
September 23rd, 2018
Made this to wear to lunch at the Shard in London with a couple of girlfriends. Thought it was smart and stylish, yet not as smart or stylish as the waitresses/hostesses at The Shard. Wish I’d taken pics, as I felt underdressed!
Anyhoo, I’m still very happy and pleased with this make, and have worn it many times since!

August 6th, 2018
This time I used a beautiful Brodarie Anglais in navy. Blue and variations there of, it would appear is my fave colour!

I plan to wear it with a nude slip underneath, as it is a little see-through.

And here with heels…

I really am loving these dresses in this hot summer we are having.
July 30th, 2018
I love this dress, yes its another Marshmallow, I don’t care. I love it! this time I used a gorgeous cotton block print fabric from Merchant and Mills. I was a little concerned when I first got it ( ordered online instead of going to shop) that it might be too corse/stiff for a dress, but the fabric has softened up with wear and wash and ironing. Also it was a dream to work with.
I decided also to do a proper facing this time, and not cut corners, where I usually do and simply fold the neckline over. I have learnt this doesn’t give a very neat finish. And I’ve also learnt its actually easier to just do it properly!
Pictures follow now!

Look at that neckline…

I felt really good wearing this. Husband says I look funky :0) And thats a good thing.

I’m not doing as much sewing at the moment as I have done in the past. Other things are a priority right now. Life gets in the way of the fun stuff! However when I do get a chance to sew, I grab it with both hands and enjoy. It really does help take my mind off the other stuff.
July 23rd, 2018
I shortened this dress a little…

From that length to this…

July 18th, 2018
These are not very exciting and I don’t really like the cream patterned one, so I’m squishing them both into one post.
First up is the blue spotty one, I do like this.

Its a Marshmallow without the frill skirt bit.

And now for the cream one. I’ve come to realise I’m not very good with fussy patterns, or flowery ones. They make me feel frumpy!

I love the look of the pattern on this fabric, but its just not for me.
Its a bit like this one below. I love the top I love the fabric, but I just feel a bit frumpy when I wear it. I will continue to wear it though as the fabric wasn’t cheap, and I don’t want it going to waste!

So I suppose I’m learning what I do and don’t like…