I love this dress

But I couldn’t help thinking it would be better a bit longer. Unfortunately I didn’t have quite enough fabric left to add the amount I wanted to, so I had to settle for half the amount, I had wanted to make it 6 inches longer but could only make it 3″.
I’m still very happy though.

It might not look that much different, but it feels really nice to wear. I’m still going to make a version with the 6inches though.
I’ve had a lot of wear out of these three Trapeze dresses. I have to say I’m really loving them. They are so easy to wear, just fling em on and go. And when the sun is shining and its hot hot hot, you really don’t want to have to think too hard about what you’re wearing.
I thought this one was pretty boring when I first made it, but now I really love it. And I can’t stop thinking about a longer one.

Wasn’t overly keen on this one either when I finished it, but with the right footwear and accessories its perfect and I feel really good in it!

And this baby is one of my all time favourites, made it last year and wore it lots and am wearing it lots this year too. I need some more of this fabric.

All three made from the Merchant and Mills Trapeze dress pattern, all slightly different. Its amazing how much difference the fabric can make to how a garment turns out.
I don’t know if its the fabric or the stripes, I know its not the pattern as the Imogen is one of my faves. I just can’t put my finger on it. I’m hoping it’ll be one of those makes that will eventually grow on me. I have quite a few things I’ve made that I didn’t like or not keen on when first finished, and have since ended up loving. So fingers crossed, as I do hate putting in all that effort and then not wearing it.

I am quite pleased with the stripe matching across the front and the sleeves though. Didn’t work at all at the side seams, they are way off!

So there we are, underwhelmed!